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Your role in

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Everyone can play a part.

By choosing a low carbon, energy efficient development, residents are already taking action to tackle the climate emergency and helping Manchester achieve its carbon cutting targets.

You are also contributing to the growth of the city’s green economy with the creation of new jobs, products and services.

Everyone can play a part.

With a THIS CITY home, you can take more steps towards a low carbon life.

All homes are electric, so you could choose a renewable energy provider and sign up to clean, green power.

And by keeping an eye on the appliances and systems installed to keep them running at their maximum energy efficiency, you can use less too.

We’ve looked at ways we can support active and sustainable travel, by linking to great projects like the Mobility Hub at Ancoats Green. And there are EV charging spots for rent where there is car parking provided, so if you need to drive, there are green options as well.

Helping residents make choices that support their health and wellbeing, whilst also reducing impact on the environment works for everyone.

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